7 Ways to Save Expenses While Traveling

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One of the most feared when traveling is a swollen expense. Of course before traveling it’s good you guys plan expenses during traveling. Do not get big pegs instead of poles. It means not to spend more than the planned cost. Avoid owing for traveling let alone too easy to use credit cards for a less urgent need.


Saves spending does not mean stingy. Occasionally you can also use a business class airplane or five-star hotel while traveling. However, spending over budget without planned will be a disaster when after traveling. Do not get happy after just actually languishing home. Supposedly when traveling traveling the burden of the mind is reduced and not coupled with the pile of debt.


Here’s how to save on travel expenses with any destination. These ways may be unconsciously done. Here are 7 ways to save on travel expenses.


  1. Choose One Star Hotel or Homestay as a Place to Stay

One star hotel could be your choice for temporary stay or transit. If just a stopover, there’s nothing wrong also you stay at the homestay. In addition to cheaper, you can also save budget. In some remote islands and hidden tourist destinations it is often difficult to find even one-star hotels.


  1. No Always To Buy, You Can Cook For Eating

Cooking is not only done when climbing the mountain only. But when traveling with friends or family can also be done. Raw materials can be processed into culinary delights. Even if you are traveling to some villages, vegetables can you ask for free. Even if not free you can buy it at a cheaper price when compared to the price in the market.


  1. Take advantage of Lunch Promo After Lunch Hours between 14.00-17.00.

After lunch and dinner, some restaurants are usually quiet. Well, moments like this is used restaurant to provide special discounts for customers. You can take hours after lunch to get a promo meal. Cheaper but still filling.


  1. Always Bring Your Own Mineral Water Bottles

In some developed countries there are tap water ready to drink in some public places such as parks. Do not be shy or hesitate to always bring a bottle of mineral for your drinking water. Believe me, the price of bottled mineral water in some countries is almost more expensive than a liter of fuel oil. So, from now on, bring a bottle of drinking anywhere to be easily replenished.


  1. Never Eat in Business Area or Sightseeing Center

Tourist attractions often have higher food prices compared to prices outside the area. Believe me, the price can be doubled compared to the normal price outside the tourist area. So, for some snacks or drinking water, should be prepared from the house or buy outside the sights. Because there are also some tourist attractions that prohibit visitors bring food from outside. Enough snacks and drinking water just taste can already save a lot of you.


  1. Avoid Taxis and Use Public Transport

Although online transportation is rife in some big cities with low prices, does not mean you can get in all regions or some other countries. The most appropriate and cost-effective option is to use public transportation such as trains, buses and other public transport. Use taxis or similar services only in urgent circumstances. For example in conditions must pursue the departure schedule of the plane.


  1. Find Community Information in Travel Destinations

Riding in a vehicle? Why not? In some countries, this vehicle is allowed. But some are unfamiliar with strangers who ask for a ride. Especially in conflict and closed country countries. Find out about the local culture. If there is indeed a chance to ride, use this method to make the holiday more efficient.