Trip PlannerIndividuals simply love the joy of planning a vacation! Backtracking refers to ideas that you travel away out of your destination only to have you travel back again (in the direction of your destination). Whereas it may appear odd for the journey planner to supply a backtracking choice, it might be logical from a travel time perspective at sure times throughout the day. The route prone to provide the shortest journey time to the chosen vacation spot, favouring primary roads and, specifically, highways.

The occasions supplied by the journey planner are the scheduled occasions found in the GRTC’s public timetables on our web site. This additionally signifies that non permanent detours and repair disruptions usually are not mirrored in the journey results. Use these as estimated times of arrival. Arrive early to make sure that you do not miss your bus. Okay, time in your STREET JOURNEY PLANNING! Listed below …

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